Fuelling growth with R&D Tax Credits in the Renewable Energy Sector

22 November 2021

As COP26 pledges are digested, now more than ever is climate policy becoming an increasingly important determinant of the business environment. 

The renewed and increased ambition of going green and supporting a sustainable future will lead to a significant increase in investments in the renewable energy sector.

Securing a transition to a greener future for businesses is both costly and challenging. The manufacturing and deployment of renewable technologies require a large up-front investment.

Renewable energies sources

The most common renewable energy sources are systems that create power from wind, sun, or water; digestive processes that change waste into biomass; and systems that recycle waste for fuel generation.

Producing these energies push technological boundaries daily. There are incredible advances around renewable energies and impressive companies powering ahead with innovations needed for a low-carbon future.

R&D tax credit and RD&I Grants to power your growth

Whether it’s prototyping, development or experimentation with materials or processes, there’s a variety of activities involved in advancing the science responsible for energy production.

These advances can come from many types of firms such as large-scale solar engineering companies to advanced battery storage manufacturers, wind-farm developers and anaerobic digestor operators.

These following activities that may qualify:

  • Enhancing the yield of their wind turbines.
  • Advancing the design of their rotor blades to improve reliability, structural resistance, aerodynamic properties, and noise-related performance.
  • Advanced groundworks preparation for the installation of renewables infrastructure.
  • Enhance the yield and/or performance of their solar panels through optimisation.
  • Increase the efficiency of monitoring tools and better manage storage technologies, such as battery packs, for off-grid applications.
  • Developing efficient energy storage devices at remote, offshore, renewable energy sites in extreme climates.
  • Developing green production technologies and processes.
  • Any form of Energy production from waste technologies.

The R&D tax incentive offers additional support for renewables businesses investing in our future.

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