Cultivating Growth: How R&D Tax Credits Benefit the Agriculture and Agri-Food Industry in Ireland

19 February 2024


Ireland’s agriculture and agri-food industry is a cornerstone of the country’s economy, known for its innovation and commitment to sustainability. In this dynamic sector, Research and Development (R&D) plays a pivotal role in driving growth and maintaining a competitive edge. To support these efforts, the Irish government offers R&D Tax Credits, a valuable incentive that can help agri-businesses thrive. In this blog, we’ll delve into how R&D Tax Credits can benefit the agriculture and agri-food industry in Ireland.

Unlocking the Potential of R&D Tax Credits

R&D Tax Credits are a Revenue incentive designed to encourage businesses to invest in research and development activities. These credits provide Tax and/or a Cash benefit, allowing companies to recoup a portion of the costs incurred during qualifying R&D projects. In the agriculture and agri-food sector, where innovation is essential for sustainable practices and product development, R&D Tax Credits offer a significant advantage.

Qualifying R&D Activities in Agriculture and Agri-Food:
  1. Crop Improvement: Research aimed at developing new crop varieties, improving yields, and increasing disease resistance can qualify for R&D Tax Credits.
  2. Sustainable Practices: Initiatives to enhance sustainability, reduce environmental impact, and promote eco-friendly farming practices may be eligible for tax credits.
  3. Food Product Development: If your business is engaged in developing new food products, improving nutritional value, or enhancing food safety measures, these activities may qualify.
  4. Livestock Health and Welfare: R&D efforts to improve animal health, breeding, and welfare can also fall under the scope of eligible activities.
  5. Precision Agriculture: Implementation of precision farming techniques, including IoT devices and data analytics, may qualify for R&D Tax Credits
Strategies for Maximising R&D Tax Credits:
  1. Contemporaneous Documentation: Maintain records of R&D projects, including research plans, project timelines, and associated costs.
  2. Collaborate and Innovate: Collaborate with research institutions, universities, and other agri-food companies to leverage collective expertise and potentially qualify for more substantial tax credits.
  3. Consult an R&D Tax Specialist: Engage with an experienced R&D Tax specialist, such as Visiativ Ireland, to navigate the complexities of R&D Tax Credits and ensure you claim all eligible credits.
  4. Continuous Improvement: Remember that R&D Tax Credits aren’t limited to breakthroughs; incremental improvements and failures also count! Make sure to talk through all projects no matter how small with your R&D Consultant.

In Ireland’s agriculture and agri-food industry, R&D Tax Credits represent a valuable resource for businesses committed to innovation and sustainable growth. By identifying and documenting qualifying activities, collaborating with experts and peers, and partnering with specialists like Visiativ Ireland, you can harness the full potential of these tax credits.

If you’re ready to explore how R&D Tax Credits can cultivate growth in your agriculture or agri-food business, reach out to Visiativ Ireland today. Our team of experts combine technical and financial knowledge to identify and maximise your innovation and research and development tax credit opportunities across Ireland. Let’s work together to nurture innovation, sustainability, and success in Ireland’s vibrant agriculture and agri-food sector.

Afterall, you can get 25% of your expenditure refunded and that is set to increase to 30% in 2025!

Get in touch to find out more

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