From Concept to Credit: Navigating the R&D Tax Credit Process in Ireland

04 April 2024

Research and Development (R&D) Tax Credits offer a valuable opportunity for businesses in Ireland to recoup a portion of their R&D expenditures and get rewarded for their innovation. However, navigating the R&D Tax Credit process can be daunting, especially for companies unfamiliar with the intricacies of the scheme. In this blog, we’ll guide you through the journey from concept to credit, helping you understand the steps involved and getting the best out of your R&D Tax Credit claim.

Understanding R&D Tax Credits

Before delving into the process, it’s essential to understand what R&D Tax Credits entail. They are available to companies engaged in qualifying R&D activities, offering a generous tax credit or cash refund on eligible R&D expenditures. These activities typically involve the development of new products, processes, or services, as well as the enhancement of existing ones, through scientific or technological innovation.

Step 1: Identifying Eligible R&D Activities

The first step in the R&D Tax Credit process is identifying the eligible R&D activities. This involves assessing your company’s projects to determine whether they meet the criteria set forth by the Revenue Commissioners. Eligible activities may include experimental development, scientific research, and systematic investigation aimed at achieving technological and or scientific advancements.

Step 2: Documenting R&D Activities and Expenditures

Once eligible R&D activities have been identified, it’s crucial to maintain thorough documentation to support your R&D Tax Credit claim. This documentation should include project plans, technical reports, timesheets, and financial records detailing R&D expenditures such as salaries, subcontractor costs, and consumables.

Step 3: Calculating R&D Tax Credit

With comprehensive documentation in hand, the next step is to calculate the R&D Tax Credit relief available to your company. Eligible companies can claim a tax credit of up to 25% of qualifying R&D expenditures, in addition to the standard corporation tax deduction so a 37.5% tax credit saving on qualifying expenditures.

Step 4: Submitting Your R&D Tax Credit Claim

Once the R&D Tax Credit claim has been calculated, the figure will be filed with the CT1 form. It is vital that the claim should be backed up by a strong technical report to substantiate the claim.

Step 5: Review and Assessment by the Revenue Commissioners

The Revenue Commissioners have 4 years to open and review a company’s claim. This is to ensure compliance with the relevant legislation and guidelines. This may involve further inquiries or requests for clarification on specific aspects of the claim. Once the review process is complete, the Revenue will issue a decision on the eligibility and the instalments will be paid.

Step 6: Reinvesting R&D Tax Credit Savings Into Innovation

Companies can reinvest the savings generated by this Tax Credit into further innovation and R&D activities, thereby perpetuating a cycle of continuous improvement and growth.

In conclusion, navigating the R&D Tax Credit process in Ireland requires careful planning, documentation, and adherence to regulatory requirements. It is prudent to engage the services of a competent service provider to assist you with your claim. By understanding the steps involved and leveraging expert guidance where necessary, businesses can maximise their R&D Tax Credit claim and unlock the full potential of innovation to drive growth and competitiveness.

For more information on our services and how Visiativ Ireland can help your business, please get in touch and a representative will get back to you to discuss your unique needs and explain how we can assist.

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