Partner With Us

Over the past 30+ years, Visiativ Ireland continues to provide award-winning R&D services across Ireland.

Contact us to see how we can help

What Is The Referral Program?

The R&D referral program is a strategic partnership between Visiativ Ireland and accountants/consulting firms. Visiativ will:

  1. work hand in hand with our partners as we only provide R&D Tax credit services. Your firm will remain as the client’s sole accountant.
  2. We will work on your guidance and be transparent in all communications with your clients. Once a client has been established,
  3. Visiativ will scope out the work for eligibility of the R&D Tax Credit. From there, it is Visiativ’s goal to establish all eligibility criteria, generate technical reports, costing reports, and support of any government queries.
  4. The end process will lead to a successful R&D filing to either Irish Revenue or HMRC.
  5. You as a partner will be kept in the loop/contact of the entire process from beginning to filing the claim.

Why Partner With Visiativ Ireland?

Partnering with Visiativ Ireland gives you the opportunity to offer award-winning value-added services to your clients and members, with the potential for real financial benefit should they qualify for R&D Tax Credit/Relief. Enhance your own organisation’s reputation through an extended offering of value-added services at no additional cost to you.

Who Do I Contact For More Information?

We are only a phone call or an email away from starting our new partnership. Contact Brenda Donohoe at +353 86 319 4747 or for a 30-minute no-obligation consultation. Brenda will provide insights and more information on how we can strengthen your client’s needs with the R&D Tax Credit Program.

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